Catherine comes all the way from Los Angeles, California. Where she trained for over 10 years with some of the most diverse and high-profile clientele. Specializing with pre/post- natal (c-section/natural birth), complex cases aging from 15 - 80 year old, such as Parkinson’s, Diabetic, and Multiple Sclerosis. She has also worked with recreational athletes that want to better their performance and anyone that wants to be healthy, fit and lean.
She has helped many with pain and rehabilitation from accidents/surgery and gained their strength back stronger than ever. She has her NSCA-CPT, Precision Nutrition, Pre & Post- Natal, Kettlebell, Trigger Point, TRX and more. Catherine helps her clients in all facets with a holistic approach, helping with nutrition, stress management, sleep quality, and recovery. Catherine has been an athlete her whole life participating as a Cross Country Runner, Triathlons, Swimming, Soccer, Softball and Golf. Her passion and love for fitness drives her to make everyone she trains the best that they can be.